Theater Schools
CPT - directed by Antunes Filho (SP) - 2016/17
Stela Adler Studio of Acting (NYC) - 2015
Wof Maya School of Actors (SP) - 2011/14
Horto Cinema Warehouse (BH) - 2009/10
Central Dubrasil (SP) - 2018
Advertising - UNI BH - 2002/06
Snake in the Fridge | by Brad Fraser | Dir. Marco Antônio Pâmio |
Jardel Filho Room - SP *premieres 3/8/18
Out of Order | Dir. Paulo Marcos |
Nair Belo Theater - SP - 2013
Speeches Locked on an Empty Island | by Renato Costa | Dir. David Rock | Teatro da União - SP - 2011
Movies and Series
Curta | The Map | Dir. Diego Patury Subutzky | NY | 2015
Curta | Apocalipse Silencioso | Dir. Hudson Senna | SP | 2014
Série | Rio Heroes | Canal Fox | SP | 2017 (participação)
Direction and Screenplay
Web Series "Paths" that discusses possible learning paths in early childhood education.
Films for brands such as Samsung, Renault, Brahma, Colgate, Itaú, Carrefour, Cacau Show, among others.
Body Expression | Compagnia Sud Costa Occidentale (Italy) | 2015 - SP
Practice | Fundación La Maldita Vanidad (Colombia) | 2015 - SP
The Actor's Theater | Erick Galani - Cia Uteros | 2015 - SP
Silence and Narrative | Inês Aranha - Experimental Center | 2014 - SP
Acting and Directing for Cinema | AIC - Cristiano Burlan | 2012 - SP
The Imaginary Actor | Christian Duurvoot | 2014 - SP
TV Interpretation | Fernando Leal | 2014 - SP
The Actor and His Image | Paloma Riani | 2014 - SP
TV Interpretation | Fernando Sabino | 2015 - SP
other skills
Music - voice, acoustic guitar and electric guitar
Dubbing - Trained by Central Dubrasil
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